Fungonis Gel

The gel for the treatment of mycosis of nails and feet

Gel Fungonis Gel

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Fungonis Gel - the tool number one for the treatment of mycosis of nails and feet

Thanks to the innovative formula and unique composition of natural components, Fungonis Gel struggling not only with the symptoms of the fungal infection, but its cause – the fungal micro-organisms.

Fungonis Gel revolution in the treatment of mycosis

The gel for the treatment of mycosis of nails and feet Fungonis Gel penetrates deep into the cellular structure of the skin and nails, stops the reproduction of the fungus, and destroys pathogens. Also gel promotes the fast regeneration of tissues, relieves the itching and discomfort, and especially guarantee the absence of recurrence of the disease after treatment.

What is the mycosis?

Of the pathogenic fungi, penetrating into the body of the man, cause a nasty disease – the fungus. Multiplies, the fungus destroys the skin and nails of the plate of the man, causes discomfort, irritation and odor. If it is not to treat the athletes foot, the infection may penetrate deeper into the body, causing the defeat of other parts of the body and internal organs, which can lead to serious complications.

According to the statistics of the World health organization, less than 20% of the world's population surprised to see that or another view of the fungus. Over the last decade, a number of diseases, fungal has increased more than 2-fold.

How is the infestation?

mycosis of the feet and nails

Catching a fungus can be anywhere, the contact with the objects of everyday life, in the bathroom or in the pool.

In a third of cases, people are infected by parents who have fungus feet and nails. You can catch an infection by an infected fungal micro-organisms.

The public spaces often become hotbeds of bacteria and fungi. Sports halls, public toilet and showers, hair salon, in all these places is a high risk of infection by a fungus, especially if it does not meet the health standards.

The fungus is very easy to multiply in a warm and damp environment. Footballers, ballet dancers and others, who, on the debt of the profession spend a lot of time in one of the shoes and deal of the year, are predisposed to the disease of mushrooms.

Hyperhidrosis – increased sweating, too, can become a risk factor for developing an infection.

Decrease of immunity in cases of colds, weakening the protective barriers of our body, which will allow the fungus to freely penetrate into the cells and start the reproduction.

Doubt him-even the symptoms of the fungal infection, to take better advantage of pre-emption Fungonis Gel – a powerful means of common action, by extermination of the infectious agents on all layers of the skin.

The symptoms of mycosis

First noted the appearance of your feet and nails of the feet. The peeling, redness, the change of the shape and the color of the nail, brittleness of the nail plate, all of this – the symptoms of nail fungus and feet. They can also have itching, burning, pain and bad smell putrid.

During the early stages of the disease on the feet begin to form bubbles and cracks, the skin comes off rags.

The nails become thick and begin to puff. The cracks of the nail plate is the usual companion of the patient by a fungus. And the nail, very deeply affected fungus, can simply die that take a lot of discomfort.

Why is it necessary to treat the fungus

Despite the fact that the need of treating this disease seems obvious, many people do not take it seriously, until the fungus has not reached the last step. But in fact, this could have been avoided thanks to the gel for the treatment of nail fungus and Fungonis Gel. Here are the consequences, waiting for those who carelessly apply to their health:

  1. The oppression of the body of toxins and wastes, pathogenic fungi leads to a deterioration of health, the development of allergies and the weakening of the immunity.
  2. The fungus is constantly reproduced, by hitting new parts of your body. If you do get rid of it, it can make the skin back, hair, or genitals.
  3. In all the cases of athlete's foot happen to the internal organs, and then to defeat the disease is already very difficult.
  4. A strong smell definitely spoil the lives of those who neglect the treatment of yeast infection. And hide it in places quite difficult.
  5. Finally, a lot of people disgusted relate to the ill fungus, and try to avoid communicating with them.

Why choose Fungonis Gel

The action and the benefits Fungonis Gel

the action Fungonis Gel
  1. This complex is completely safe and suitable for treatment at an advanced stage, and for the prevention of mold.
  2. Freezing destroys the spores of fungal colonies, and stop the spread of the fungal infection of the body.
  3. Has deodorizing effect, which removes all traces of the odor and reduces sweating of the feet.
  4. Improves blood circulation, helping the body to fight the infection.
  5. Product action gurissant, shaking, sores, cracks and wounds.
  6. Moisturizes and softens the skin, the epidermis, removing the itching and irritation.

Composition Fungonis Gel

A unique formula Fungonis Gel works on all types of fungi and parasites.

How to buy Fungonis Gel in Portugal

Today, the official website of the manufacturer on an action. Have the time to order Fungonis Gel with a discount of 50% only €39 - view the cost in other countries. Prices relevant to the country of Portugal.

Advice of a doctor

The doctor Dermatologist Diogo Diogo
12 years
Fungonis Gel – an excellent tool for the treatment of athlete's foot and nail at all stages of the disease. in Portugal, it is difficult to find an effective tool, often recommend this gel to their patients, in effect, hypoallergenic and do not cause side effects.