Fungal of the defeat can be a true curse, which will bring a lot of disadvantages, mainly aesthetic. But, as always, is modern medicine offers a large number of antifungal drugs.

The fungus is a very unpleasant illness that can be overcome and the adults, and children of all ages. Let's see what are the ways to help you fight.
Nail fungus of the feet, which is the best?
Fungal diseases now get together very often. Virtually every 4 a person is infected by this disease, often even knowing it.
Generally, the defeat of fungal infections does not bode well not be injurious to the health of man, but in its advanced form is a poisoning of the organism of toxic substances.
This can become the cause of the weakening of the immune system and lead to other negative consequences.
Quite common is defeated by a mushroom feet. In addition, the nails and the skin acquire unsightly, and the treatment of the disease requires a lot of time, effort and resources. But you run the disease, in no case, otherwise it will spread to other parts of the body.
Set a rate of treatment should the doctor like to get rid of the mold, you need to:
- determine the type of the pathogenic agent of the disease
- the extent and the degree of nail damage and stop
- the condition of the skin
Modern pharmacology offers a range of means to fight against fungus on the feet.Is usually assigned to a treatment comprising:
- taking these medicines antimycotic nature
- the use of drugs local action
- antibiotics, if joined to a bacterial infection
At the initial stage of the disease can help You remedies:
- celandine
- garlic
- iodine

In the case of a minor infection most often recommended:
- ointments
- suspension
- creams
- varnish
- the drops
Within 10 to 14 days of treatment of the tool it is necessary to change, because the mushrooms tend to develop resistance to the drugs.
In its advanced form of the disease, your doctor may prescribe medication antifungal spectrum.
In some cases, the nail plate, or in part, it is necessary to remove a conservative treatment or surgical.
The best treatment is a global approach which includes simultaneously taking the tablets and the ways of the outside. But the self-medication do not need. Find the nail signs of lesions caused by a fungal infection, contact a physician immediately.
The antifungal drugs for the nails of the hands
Our hands, in some cases, may be exposed to infection by the fungus. The infection occurs gradually:
- begins the itching in the palm of the
- appears to be a small eruption
- the defeat goes on the nails like spots
- may be inflammation of the nail roll
The treatment is after the identification of the pathogen and drug sensitivity. An antifungal drug spectrum can be:
overall (systemic) action are indicated for the averages and the stages of severe illness and prescribed by a physician:
- synthesis.
- the allylamines.
- the plan.
local action – apply when the damage of the plate. Are available in the form of:

- spray – more effective as a prevention tool
- the solution can penetrate deep into the plaque, contribute to the concentration of the medicinal substance
- cream – is not only to treat, but and soften the skin around the plate
- varnish only in the early stages of the disease
The treatment of nail fungus of the hands requires patience, as it takes at least 2 months.
Don't forget that the observance of rules of personal hygiene, with the strong immunity reduce the risk of infection by the fungus.
Modern pharmacology offers a wide choice of drugs for the treatment of fungal infections. What is the most effective tool?
However, we remind you that the treatment of the disease must appoint a physician. And the self-selection of medicines may be not only ineffective, but dangerous to the health. The best of the same remedy against the nail fungus of the feet, in the opinion of all experts, is the prevention of the disease:
- respect the rules of hygiene
- do not use other things
- do not wear tight shoes
- the excessive sweating of the feet, use the sprays
- in the nail salon make sure that the devices have been sanitized
The anti-fungal of pregnancy and lactation
Often, drugs have a number of side effects. Therefore, a woman during pregnancy or lactation should carefully approach the choice of drugs, in order not to harm the child.
Important: Most of the doctors are inclined to believe that in this period of pregnancy, the treatment of fungal infections better not to prosecute, because the disease is not dangerous to the life, and the risk to the child of medicines is too big.
However, in some cases, doctors recommend local treatment as follows:
- varnish
- ointments
- creams
You can also use the traditional methods of treatment of the fungal infection. Every day to lubricate the affected areas:

- birch tar
- a mixture of honey, eucalyptus oil and vinegar
- tea tree oil
- a slurry of garlic
- iodine
As effectively the use of trays:
- with vinegar and potassium permanganate
- baking soda and marseille soap
- the decoction of oak bark, calendula, and horsetail
Use of funds, consult your doctor. Necessarily You need to strictly adhere to the rules of hygiene and do the following:
- before feeding baby to wash their hands with soap (economic or tar)
- the time to do pedicures and manicures, removing the affected areas of the nail
Antifungal drugs for nail Polish for children
If You find your child to change the color or the shape of the nail plate, do not delay to go to a dermatologist. The time of starting treatment, and ensures that the disease will not the more heavy the point.
Generally, the treatment of the mycosis in children are affected to some drugs in the local application:
- an antifungal ointment with bifonazole and clotrimazole
- varnish and glues with the content of the ciclopiroxolamine
- drops loceryl
- the basins with the application of decoctions of herbs (flowers of calendula, from the bark of oak)
- applied from a piece of the stem of the plant on the area affected by the nail fungus
In addition, during the treatment of the child, do the full disinfection demand information of things:
- shoes
- toys
- the dishes
- linen house
- clothing
Do not let the disease of his crumbs to the chance to prevent spread through the body.
Antifungal nail Polish
Antifungal medicines in the form of a varnish is applicable only in the early stages of disease development or the presence of contra-indications to the procedure of the receipt of medicines. These drugs have several advantages:
- well soften the plate of the nail, which enhances the penetration of medicinal substances to the increase of the concentration
- penetrate even the smallest cracks in the plate
- during the drying process request information to prevent the penetration of oxygen to a fungus
To apply the varnish, you need to be every day, or 2 to 3 times per week, according to the instructions. Will enumerate a few general recommendations for the use of this tool:
- well the steam the nail affected by the fungus
- dry with a cloth
- remove the affected areas of tissue, using the lime
- wipe the surface of the nail any degreaser
- apply the varnish
- before followed by an application of dried up layer of varnish to remove
- the treatment, you must continue until that is never really returned to that a new healthy nail
The ointment and cream nail fungus of the feet
In the treatment of nail fungus are used in creams and ointments to the outside of the action. The advantages of the use of these drugs is to:

- the high concentration of the drug substance on the exposed surface
- of the moisture and the attenuation of the skin around the nail
Creams antifungal medications are divided into different groups according to active components:
- asalouye – have a very broad spectrum of action, have a fungicidal effect
- allylamine is also effective in the fight against fungal infections. After the end of treatment, the concentrations of the drug for some time is saved, thus reducing the figure of recidivism
Choice of drug depends on the type of pathogens and determined by your doctor. Ointments and creams, as well as other drugs of local action, are appointed during the running stages of the defeat of the mushrooms and when the treatment.
The principle of the use of drugs:
- steam the feet in it a mylno–soda water
- apply on the area affected nails with a special glue otslaivayutsya action
- remove the maximum possible amount of the infected nail
- wipe the feet
- apply an ointment or a cream
Remember that some types of ointments are not use during pregnancy and children. Before application, make sure to read the instructions carefully.
Pills antifungal for nails
An effective treatment against the nail fungus is oral tablets anti-fungal, so-called anti-fungal. The use of these funds ensures the delivery of unpleasant diseases in almost 100% of cases. But taking them without the advice of a doctor, in any case, the duration of the treatment is attributed to a specialist.

The means of medication can be different:
- the daily consumption for several months
- "the therapy pulse", during which, after a week of taking medication should be a break of three weeks
Depending on the chemical composition and the spectrum of action of the drugs anti-fungal are divided into different groups:
- plan – have the highest degree of activity
- synthesis – are named in the treatment of the mucous membranes, the parts of the body, lichen
- allylamine – show at the moth
- other groups – has a narrow application domain, is designated in the severe forms of the disease
During the treatment of antifungal tablets is very important not to disturb the pattern of the receipt attributed to a physician. As well as inappropriate medication use, or their omission may cause a relapse.
Remember that some medications can have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, carefully read the instructions. Perhaps, You need the prescription drugs to prevent toxicity.
Cheap anti-fungal for nails
Often, antifungal medications, medications prescribed by the doctor, are available on the market is not everything. However, the treatment is made necessary. We will show you how to get rid of this unpleasant disease, such as nail fungus, do not spend a lot of money.

Among the oral drugs, struggling with an infection from the inside, you can note the drugs with a substance Fluconazol, who, when their low price is very effective.
In the initial stages of the disease can help the businesses diversified, that its effectiveness does not give specialized:
- iodine
- the hydrogen peroxide
- the solution of potassium permanganate
- fukortsin
- powder of boric acid
Data of medications to lubricate the sick nails every day in the morning and in the evening. For the softening and removal of stock from the horny layer instead of expensive drugs, you can use nogteva.
In such cases, the help and the decoupling of the feet with soap and water. As you can see, the treatment can be affordable. You have the choice.
The ammonia of nail fungus
An economical, but efficient methods to fight against this unpleasant phenomenon, as the nail fungus is a solution of ammonia or of ammonia. Its application in medicine, as we know since a long time, and it helps to get rid of fungus, not all the world knows. But in fact, it is a powerful antiseptic.
Use of the ammonia in the antifungal therapy may be different:

- in the form of compresses (a solution of ammonium chloride and water in a ratio of 1:10, moisten a cotton or a bandage and apply on the affected area of the nail. Roll up the wrap, leave overnight)
- the foot baths or the hands of 3 parts water, 1 part ammonia and 1 part hydrogen peroxide
- treatment of the nail plate with a solution of ammonia, the vodka, glycerin and water
However, we would like to draw Your attention that the ammonia solution for the treatment of fungal infection of the nail — just a tool. The main treatment it does not replace it.