Ignoring the first symptoms of the fungal infection of the nail, sooner or later, the person begins to look for the answer to the question being addressed-it launched the stage of onychomycosis? Unfortunately, many patients: turning to the doctor with pronounced signs of the disease, when outside of defects joining of individuals, the pain and s militarist itching. In this case, requires long-term complex treatment, with the aim of is not always guaranteed a positive result. The plate detaches from his lodge, so that the space under it is overflowing of fungi and other pathogens. Suffer also and the skin around the affected area of the space in the body— flaking, red and swollen, gradually, the infection spreads on them.

The treatment of nail fungus of the form nglige of folk remedies
Revenue non-conventional therapy may be included in the overall solution to the problem, but does not apply as a method. Home use of herbs and natural products can speed up the healing process.
The effectiveness have the following tools:
- the vinegar nail fungus. Perhaps the most popular option in the fight against onychomycosis. There are many ways to use this product in the popular medicine, but the most effective way are considered to be gadgets to its base. Mix in a clean container 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar or the dining room, 2 tablespoons vodka and 1 tablespoon of glycerin. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes on the pre-cooked in the steam of the nail plate with the help of a damp cotton swab on the disc. After the time of compress change again, back to a quarter of an hour, repeating the manipulation 4 times. The treatment of the acetic stuff may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations, but worry not need. The discomfort gradually taking place. Treatment should continue until the regrowth of healthy plate.
- iodine at the the nail fungus. This tool is known disinfectants for the hands, with antimicrobial and healing properties, all of these criteria are necessary in the fight against onychomycosis. Alcoholic Solution of iodine on pre-prepared nail plate 2 times per day. May be, first, the treatment will be accompanied by a burning sensation, and the strengthening of the itching, but do not worry in need of the discomfort means that the medication is working. The duration of treatment should not exceed 21 days because of the risk of side effects.
- the hydrogen peroxide nail fungus. And is a tool that is likely to be included in any home medicine cabinet, it can be used of old onychomycosis in the form of an integrated approach. It disinfects the treated tissue, and oxygen prevents the proper functioning of the pathogens of the disease. To get rid of the condition, you need to steam the soles of his feet in the hot water and remove the nails excesses of the horny layer. Then, joining their foci of infection from a piece of cotton fabric, thoroughly impregnated with 3% hydrogen peroxide, and secure it with a bandage. After an hour of dressing is removed. Compresses with peroxide it is recommended to do twice a day until healed.Also the drug can be used by the method of professor Neumyvakina. The doctor insists on the fact that the reception of peroxide in conjunction with procedures that can get rid of onychomycosis no prescription tablets anti-fungal and gels. The tool is used according to the scheme, following which you can learn of the many videos online.
- the sulphate of copper of the nail fungus. Apparently, this product is used in the agricultural sector, and has not of treatment for people, but the comments suggest that this fungus at any stage of their development. From this tool, you can make an effective ointment for the treatment the affected by the fungus of the nail. For its preparation, you must heat dry in a pan 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate colour change, it must become white. Then the powder can be mixed in the same proportions with the goose fat and medical, the grey, the product is placed in a jar sterile and then stored in a refrigerator. Ointment to apply each day strictly on the homes of onychomycosis, without affecting nearby areas of the skin. Positive changes are visible after a week.
- the garlic when the nail fungus. This plant is known fungicide and disinfecting application information properties. Being a natural antibiotic, it contributes to the destruction of pathogens onychomycosis at any degree of disease. On its base, you can cook a good medicated cream. A few cloves of garlic, crushed through a press and mix with an equal quantity of butter. The drug store in the fridge. The cream of ill-omen on the grounds of the fingernail of a roller, farms of the infection, several times a day. A month later, the pathology disappears.
- tree oil nail fungus. The drug has an anti-oxidant and antiseptic. Cure of their onychomycosis in its advanced form, quite possible, provided that the system to solve the problem. Wet a cotton ball in tree oil and pre-cooked in the steam of the nail plates of 30 minutes, the fixing of the top of the band. Then, remove the dressing and allow tissue to dry naturally. The treatment to pass all of the days up to the disappearance of the signs of the disease.
- the celandine a nail fungus. There are a large number of recipes from this medicinal plant, but the workforce is of the dye on its base. It is easy to cook. A dry cloth or freshly the herb celandine pour the alcohol in a ratio of 2:1. Insist on for the future a therapeutic tool, in a dark place for 12 days. When the medicine is ready, it is filtered out and begin to treat their nails affected by infection, using no more than 5 drops on a plate. The course of recommended treatment is 2 weeks. It must be remembered that the tool is toxic, so deliberately increase the dosage should not be.
- tea tree oil for nail fungus. This medicine is used in two ways blinders on and rub. In the first case, the esters are added to the hot water — 20 drops to 1 l. the Brush of the hands or feet fall in the liquid for 20 minutes. In the second variant, a part of the tea tree oil is introduced two type of base oil (olive oil, vegetables, etc) and the tool is applied on the area affected nails. In both cases, the duration of treatment is at least a month. The procedures may be combined with each other.
- the ammonia of the nail fungus. The effectiveness of the means of onychomycosis is a lotion of ammonia, and glycerin. The components are mixed in equal quantities and glow-in-the-bottle. Nail plate, as well as the skin around them and the spaces between the fingers, grease the mixture morning and evening. Also the ammonia to add in a spa for the feet of calculation 3 tablespoons in 1 liter of water.
- the soda of the nail fungus. Sodium bicarbonate, perhaps, the most inexpensive and simplest option at home the treatment of onychomycosis. The substance softens the nail plate, and contributes to its exfoliation, relieving the symptoms of the pathology and the formation of tissues to the action of drugs. The soda make it a spa for the feet and the pasta, which is a bad sign, in the form of applications on the nails. Because relapse when the onychomycosis is a frequent event, the treatment will continue until the regrowth of healthy nail plate.

Laser therapy
The need to remove the nail occurs in this case, if the other options of therapeutic effects were ineffective. Until recently, the universally used surgical procedures that were performed in outpatient and have been difficult, but now it has been replaced by the laser. The method is quite safe, because, at the time of the procedure is to destroy only the cells of the mycelium, the healthy tissues are not affected and non-affected. The processing of the data in a more efficient way, and the signs of improvement in the condition of the nail, you may notice after the first session. Throughout the course of laser treatment when diagnosed onychomycosis in need of a few procedures — usually about four. For the specialist to remove the layers of the affected area of the nail plate. The treatment of this method does not preclude the application outside of antifungal drugs and procedures of prevention. The plate with the help of a laser removes not just in part but in whole, if the infectious process has reached the deeper layers of the nail and nerve endings, and the therapy local antimicotica does not provide an improvement.
Drug-drug tool, the circuit of receipt
Dermatology request for information in the last time to apply the concept of "therapy-pulse". According to this method, the medicines for nail fungus are used short foreign currency long breaks. Thanks to this, you can exclude the development of adverse reactions in the body, and accumulate in the tissues of the plate a sufficient quantity of the medication components, which, even in spite of a break in the treatment, continue to perform a necessary action. The schema therapy onychomycosis depends directly of the symptoms of the disease and its severity. In the course of performance of the condition it will include:

- ingestion appointment the antifungal — tablets or capsules;
- the application of fungicides, ointments, creams and varnishes and external;
- methods of treatment of traditional medicine;
- removal of the nail plate if excessive destruction.
Launched nail fungus it is impossible to heal without drugs inside, that is tablets and capsules. Being in the digestive tract of man, they are easily absorbed in the circulation, exerting a powerful antifungal an impact on the body.
Local antifungal agents are also in high demand in the fight against the inveterate fungal infection. Their bad news directly on the outbreaks of the disease, following the advice of the instruction, 2 times a day until complete healing. There are popular ointment with fungicidal and fungistatic effect.
Anti-fungal varnish
Named for the local treatment of nails affected by infection. The varnish penetrates deeply into the cavity of the nail plate, through cracks and pores, improving the effectiveness of the therapy. The movie, we see immediately appear after the application of the drug, warns the supply of oxygen to a fungus, depriving him of his breath. Advanced tissue is protected against the external factors of the environment. Before treating of the nail plate, infected, onychomycosis, treatment for nail surface degreased using an alcohol solution or hydrogen peroxide and lose all fabrics are treated in advance disinfected nail file.
Factors contribute to rapid healing
How effective is the tool selected of onychomycosis, it is preferable to manifest itself if before applying perform a pre-formation of the treated areas. To do this, you need to:
- make a bath of 3 liters of hot water, 50 g of soap and 3 tablespoons of baking soda;
- lower brush of the hands or feet in the solution for 15 minutes;
- steamed cut the nails on the edge of a pair of scissors, clean up, lose pieces special with a pair of pliers or a pumice stone;
- rinse once again members and wipe it dry.

These manipulations go each time before applying the medicine on outbreaks of infection. Thanks to them, the active components of the most easy and to succeed in penetrating into the deeper layers of the nail, in formants a more beautiful therapeutic effect. During the execution of the onychomycosis blinders play a support role, and have a great importance. Rogue, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene, to exclude the possibility of a samsarajade and the recurrence of the infection. To this end, the patient is recommended to change daily articles, knitted or crocheted, boil for washing, use items for the treatment of nails, periodically disinfect the shoes. In addition, special attention to nutrition. For example, if the disease in man by the candida nails, it is system to a special diet, which prevents the reception of dishes, sweet, white bread, yeast.
Launched nail fungus in children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and the elderly
Onychomycosis strikes not only adults, but children and the elderly, women during pregnancy and lactation. The fragility of the immune system and the impossibility to apply a wide range of drugs seriously complicate the treatment of the fungal infection of the nail in these patients.
- children and the elderly. The specialists are attempting to avoid to assign the system the anti-fungal. Mainly the children are selected outside of the drugs, and tablets and capsules that in the case of individual need, the calculation of the dosage based on the weight and age of the child. These restrictions relate to patients aged.
- the future and nursing mothers. Anti-fungal means are designated under the strict control of the attending physician. In this period, the specialists try to limit the means of deterrence of activities — local antimicotica and recipes of traditional medicine that help stop the growth and multiplication of pathogens of onychomycosis. But if it is its advanced form of the disease, women are named by the system and the outside medications depending on the period of pregnancy and the potential risk to the fetus.

Execution prevention of onychomycosis
The prevention inveterate of fungal infection is based on timely appeal to the hospital — it must be done at the first sign of the disease. The observance of all recommendations from the treating physician ensures a fast recovery and the recovery of the appearance of plaques. For the nails remained in good health, it is important to monitor the purity of the hosiery and footwear, do not walk barefoot in public places, apply talcum powder or menus for deodorants for excessive sweating of the feet. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the toolbox that uses the wizard in the lounges, before proceeding to the manicure and the pedicure. In the ideal, it is better to have their personal objects. Every day, it is recommended to wash feet with soap.