Natural remedies – most effective in onychomycosis in the early stages. Most of them used at home, really help to get rid of the disease.
The hydrogen peroxide is well removes the nail fungus of the feet in progress (chronic) form, but the treatment will be long enough. Dermatologists recommend that in the process of getting rid of the pathology of lubricate perhydrol all days (once per 2 days) and the healthy desire, to avoid infection.
Then, how to heal launched nail fungus of the feet with the help of hydrogen peroxide?

- Method 1. In the basin (the bucket) steam the feet and try to remove it (cut, scrape) with the nail plate of the crust. A piece of gauze soak in the perhydrol and join the treaty to the nail. At the top of winding the film. Repeat the procedure twice a day until the regrowth of healthy nail plate.
- Method 2. Perhydrol connect with apple cider vinegar in equal quantities. Gauze handkerchief to soak up the received structure and to attach it to corroded disease to the nail. Wait until the end of the effect sparkling. The feet to rinse with running water, dry completely. Then, apply a pharmaceutical preparation, designated by the doctors.
- Method 3. To steam the foot in hot water vodice, with the addition of liquid soap or copper sulphate, dry. A cotton, thoroughly wet peroxide, apply it on the affected area of the nail, covering a piece of film, to attach the band to the band. Resist the compress 35-40 minutes, scrape razmyagchayuschiesya fabric, ate the mushrooms. Then, treat the surface with an anti-fungal medicine, discharged from an infectious disease.
The vinegar
The treatment of onychomycosis in its advanced form of vinegar (wine, fruit compote) – tested and effective manner. To achieve the desired outcome important:
- Use a natural product, without chemical additives;
- Observe the proportions in the composition;
- Follow the treatment plan;
- Use only their goods.
Take acids blinders
Prepare a basin (bucket), where we can place the foot. Pour is preheated vodichki, and the vinegar (in equal quantities). The fingers must be completely covered by the purification liquid. The duration of the session 40 to 50 minutes. The sessions you will need to be repeated until the complete replacement of the survivor of the cornea. If also complicated stage of onychomycosis of the basins must be carried out with the simultaneous intake of pharmaceutical drugs, who will appoint a mycologist.
Make compresses of vinegar
Pour into a bowl 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, take a cotton swab (disk), a plastic film. Soak the cotton in vinegar, enclose in a cornea, wrap (not too tight!) the film. Leave it up to 3-3,5 hours. The total duration of the acetic acid of the therapy is 2.5-3 months. Stop the sessions, you can only when it is completely formed a new nail plate. Even a small amount abandoned infected tissue can result in the return of a disease process.
Treat the concern of iodine vinegar composition

Gives good results, the treatment of nail fungus in its advanced form of the apple cider vinegar in combination with an alcoholic 5% iodine solution. Mix the components in the same quantities.
Before you treat the nails of the plate must be soften in hot water, cut loose the game. The composition is prepared to be applied with a cotton swab (stick) on the victims of the cornea with a capture board side. Don't forget to lubricate the solution (using a different disk) and the healthy worry, to warn them of the infection.
The effectiveness of treatment of fungal infection of the nail of the iodine in the advanced countries, confirmed by dermatologists and mycologists. The secret of effectiveness is to be so popular (and expensive!) of the method? The iodine is able to ride in a protein. Parasites, depleting the horny layer of the plate, have a protein structure, feed on the keratin – fibrillar protein. Therefore, iodine has the ability to "the crushing of the fungal growth directly by acting on him.
- Method 1. Twice a day on the nail plate, apply a drop of the solution (5%). Neighbors worry also not be neglected – are greased with iodine once per day. Don't forget that the solution gives nails plates unsightly yellowish tint. After 7-10 days will have the feeling of a strong burning sensation in the areas a sign that the destruction of the pathogen has begun. The whole treatment is 20 to 40 days. If the sensation unbearable – treat the concern once/day.
- Method 2. For half an hour to steam the feet in very hot water with baking soda (1 tablespoon – 1 l of water) and the salt (twice as much). Bite of the tweezers or cutting scissors sleeping area, rinse-water, sec. Every the nail plate, cover (with the help of a cotton disk, batting, three layers of a solution of iodine (after drying in application information complete the previous one). The procedure is done before bedtime, for a period of 30 days.
Positive, the dynamic treatment of the fungal infection of the nail in the chronicle (launched) in the form of iodine would tell many stories from people who have benefited in this way.
Before application, make sure that you are not allergic to this drug. Apply a little oil on the wrist and let stand for 12 hours.
If there is no apparent irritation – you can easily use. The course lasts two months and consists of decoupling an application. For cells in a liter of water is added 5 drops of oil. Pure extract is applied with a cotton swab on the surface of the nail after steaming feet in the soapy water.
Rinse it is not necessary.
The essential oils
But did you know that some essential oils butter are deemed beautiful antimycotic characteristics? For example, if diagnosed launched in the form of nail fungus, the treatment may be carried out using these oils:
- Oregano (marjoram) – is one of the most effective natural anti-fungal and antibacterial. Carvacrol is a component of the oil had the strongest bactericidal properties.
- Tea tree – able to cope with bacterial, viral, fungal infections, including old fungus on the toes.
- The lavender provides antiseptic, antifungal, regenerating. The properties are enhanced in combination with the oil extract of tea tree.
- The eyelets has a substance eugenol, which is facing parasites, fungal etc
Let's see how to treat nail fungus of the foot-launched with the help of the oil concentrates:
- Wash the feet with detergent (tar, pine), soap, dry.
- Apply the essential oil products are diluted (with the exception of butter lavender). Connect with the base oils of jojoba, almond, olive oil.
- The procedure is done every day for 2-3 months.
- Strengthen the action of the healing oils, you can, by combining it with baths, pharmacological.
Tested recipes:
- Recipe 1. Connect the 100 ml pre-warmed vinegar (9%), 6 drops of tea tree oil, 2 drops of oregano oil. The composition of the add in a bowl with warm water. Keep the feet in the healing of the police 20 minutes. Please note that the water must wash at the ankle.
- Recipe 2. 10 drops of lavender oil, 6 drops of tea tree, mix it with 4 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. The mixture is poured into a dark glass capacity and shake well. Add 30 ml of boiled and cooled water and again shake well. Received the lotion to lubricate the damaged nail 3 times per day. Before each use, the composition is shaken well.
- Recipe 3. Measure 2 tablespoons of talcum powder or 2 tablespoons of corn flour and pour into a plastic bag. Add 15 drops of lavender oil and 5 drops of a butter mint. The package slip (paste), shake well and leave overnight. Not only apply on infected nails, but on the entire foot after bathing.
- Recipe 4. Mix 5 drops of lavender oil and tea tree and 1 tablespoon of almond oil. Store in containers in dark glass. Three times per day to wet the cotton wool in oil of "cocktail" and to make applications on the area.
To successfully cure the fungus, you can also use a simple budget. There are a lot of options inexpensive, which are really overwhelmed by fungal infections.
The traditional methods of treatment of the fungal infection may not heal nail fungus, but their application improves the condition of the patient and relieves the symptoms.
The traditional medicine is recommended to use as a complement to medical treatment, if approved by a dermatologist.
The soda and propolis

The baking soda and apply to the bathroom or the cooking of pasta. Bowl take 2 litres of water and add a small spoon of baking soda. A patient with a fingernail it is necessary to resist the solution for 10-15 minutes, then dry the leg.
For the dough, you must take a tablespoon of baking soda and add a little water. And then apply it on the affected area nails and dripping a few drops of fresh lemon juice. The mixture is not washed for 5 to 7 minutes.
Propolis has many healing properties, it is a real assistant in the fight against fungi of the plate. If all the days on the nail, apply tincture of propolis on alcohol, then it is guaranteed to accelerate the disappearance of the infection and restore the fabric.
The dye can be used for the preparation of the trays. For this, a spoon of tincture diluted in a quart of warm water. The duration of treatment of 10 to 15 minutes, the time leg will be steamed and it will be possible to remove the dead layers of nail plate.
The causes of the disease
Nail fungus or onychomycosis is a disease, with an infectious form. It develops in connection with the activity of micro-organisms, of which about 50 species.
But for simplicity, they are divided into three groups:
- Dermatomitsety;
- Mold;
- The yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.
The most common are dermatomitsety, up to 90% of cases of nail fungus associated with species of micro-organisms belonging to this group.
The causes and conditions of development of this disease may be:
- The Non-observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene;
- Contact with an infected person, as has been done by contract, through common objects (combs, towels, slippers, manicure tools and pedicure);
- Immunity is low, for example, on the background of taking antibiotics;
- The different diabetes of the disease;
- The age of over 60 years — the statistics most often nail fungus is common among people in this age group;
- Poor blood circulation of limbs, for example, the varicose disease;
- The presence of fungal formations on the skin and inside the body.
In addition to the above, the development of nail fungus are contributing to the following factors:
- Serious mechanical damage of the plate and the injuries of the fingers;
- Goods negative impact of chemical factors;
- The increase of the sweating, the humidity and the cold of the members at the IRR;
- Flat feet, synthetic and tight shoes, it is anything that leads to a small distance between the fingers;
- Moist and warm climatic conditions of the area;
- Professionals of costs: manicures and pedicures, the dermatologists are most exposed to the danger of nail fungus;
- The attendance of the public spaces, in particular with the prosecution office and the humidity in the premises (gyms, saunas).
But it is not necessary to panic, if you go often to the gym or if your age is approaching sixty years of age, this does not mean that you have necessarily nail fungus.
Like any disease, of nail fungus there are symptoms, even at an early stage.
Is worth to worry and consult a doctor if:
- Constantly itchy fingers, especially the tips;
- The redness is and other imperfections of the skin around and under nails;
- Bone growth, delamination, deformation, and brittle nails;
- The color change of the nails.
In the later stages of symptoms increased:
- More for itching painful;
- A strong burning sensation;
- The nail crumbles, or, on the contrary, thickens (depending on the type of fungus);
- Inflammation;
- Cake wet of a member;
- Dysbiosis;
- General weakness and drowsiness.
In case of symptoms of nail fungus, you should immediately consult a dermatologist for a diagnosis. If the presence of late blight is confirmed, your dermatologist will determine its view and will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
After the infection, toe fungi need time to acclimate to the nail plate. First attack of fat fingers, throughout the year or a longer period of time, it destroys the structure of the nail. This process is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- the thickening of the plate (reinforced by keratinization of the tissues);
- the change in color (plate acquires a yellow, brown or black);
- the collapse of the edges (in the absence of treatment or abandonment of the fungal infection extends throughout the thickness of the nail, in consequence of which he corroded and crumbles);
- itching of the nail of the skin;
- a foul smell of feet.