The first stage of the nail fungus on the hands – it is a pathology that is characterized by a loss healthy brilliance, fragility, changes in color and thickness of the nail plate. Know the symptoms of the pathology, the patient will be able to the time to see a specialist. The treatment will stop not a disease, and the measures of prevention of re-development of the pathology.

Treacherous onychomycosis
One of the most common infectious disease is onychomycosis, commonly known as nail fungus. The pathology is not only common, but very insidious, therefore, requires treatment. Onychomycosis belongs to the category of infectious diseases. Without medical assistance in acquire a chronic form, with serious consequences. The disease does not appear simply, all depends on the hygiene habits of the man, the characteristics of the profession. The disease suffered by people of different age groups. The fungus most often affects the foot and the toenail on the big toe. Nail plates on the hands are less likely to suffer. Sometimes, the infection is the hand by the non-respect of standards of hygiene during the manicure or infected by an infection of the feet. Frequent of the "family" of the infection through sharing items of personal hygiene. ! The fungus on the hands – is not only a medical problem, but aesthetic. During the development of a pathology in a patient appear complex.
trihofitii, the fungi of the genus Candida are the main pathogenic agents of infectious diseases. In rare cases, it is the mold. According to the statistics on the human skin are parasites of about 20 varieties of trihofiti. Characteristic of the micro-organisms spore-education, resistance to high and low temperatures, drying, antiseptic solutions. Enter in the skin or under the nail plate, the spores trihofiti grow up, is reborn in the micro-organisms. In the form of thin filaments (mycelium) penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, nails. Mycelium have a dense cell wall, which protects the immune system and antibodies, which began to fight with them. ! The parasites enter the blood, apply on the internal organs and systems. As a result, suffer the nails, lymph node, on different parts of the body.
The sources of infection
Asymptomatic during the initial phase of the disease in this perfidy of the parasites. The fungus on the fingers of the hands and feet at the beginning of the infection is virtually impossible to notice. For the activity, the multiplication of micro-organisms favorable microclimate is the heat and humidity. It's not surprising therefore that infection occurs in public places, saunas, water parks, swimming pools, gymnasiums, public transport, train stations). The support of the infection leaves microscopic flakes of skin and nail on everything related to (the rail, the shower, the benches in the sauna, towels, shoes, report coverage of sports accessories). Left by disputes quickly found a new victim and habitat for growth, reproduction. The first parasites attack people, including lowered immune system, weakened disease organism; disturbed psycho-emotional background; the lesion of the skin, the nail plate; the problems with the respect of hygiene rules. The admirers of wooden baths in the area at risk. The wood is porous, proceeding to its thorough disinfection is impossible. The spores of late blight are considered permanent residents, saunas made from natural materials, or the places where are these household items in wood. ! Sources of infection – warm humid, toiletries, bed linen, treated poorly, instruments, manicure, and sometimes, cooking utensils!
Clinical forms of the pathology
Onychomycosis – a disease requiring immediate medical assistance. In the first place define the clinical group of the disease. Clinical forms: Normotroficheskie form. The symptoms manifest themselves slowly. Parasites affect fingernail on the inside. Mark small yellow spots, which increase with the time, it. Hypertrophic form. The infection affects the nails, the lodge and the plate. The nail is coated cavities, tubers. Suffer the fingers on the feet, hands. The nail plate is detached from the lodge. You get a whitish cast. Interesting! The disease tend to show symptoms of several forms.
The manifestations of the infection by the fungus
The infection at the initial stage is manifested by the same symptoms. The first worrying signs of the disease – change of the shape, the color of the plaque (the cause of yellow nails on the feet). What looks like the disease in the early stages? At the beginning, the fungus infects as it progresses and extends over the entire place. At the place of location to differentiate between types of pathology:
- Distal view. Hit the upper part of the nail.
- Lateral view. The infection develops on the sides, near the skin.
- Proximal view. Is infected by the surface of the plate.
- Proximal view. The defeat near the nail of the roller.

The common symptoms of the first attack of micro-organisms to the notice simple. Throws himself in the eyes of the hue of the plaque, pink to change colour dull yellow, later it becomes gray. Changes occur in the structure, begin to appear bumps, bumps. Later on appear stripes in the longitudinal direction, the spots, the blur of movement. Stresses the thickening, the sensitivity, the fragility at the location of the lesion. The infection begins to spread on the skin, it becomes red and inflamed. The fungus on the fingers of one hand – the more often the problem of women, although, in some cases, the pathology experienced by men.
The parasites on the hands. The primary symptoms:
- the loss of gloss, matte
- the white spots on the nails of the hands
- as the disease progresses, the plate is made of gray or brown
- peel the skin on the palms and fingers of the hand
- underlines the fragility, of the delamination, the nail crumbles
- black stripes on the nails
- the changes of the skin at the site of the injury, it swells, becomes red, flaking
. View affected onychomycosis the nails on the photo. The symptoms of fungal infection of the feet and hands have a lot of similarities between them.
The fungus toe
The micro-organisms on the legs, the symptoms:
- the plate is partly covered by yellow spots, blurred
- dark color, disappears from the brilliance
- stresses the thickening of the peeling
- peel off the skin between the toes; a small itch between the fingers
- the feet give off an unpleasant smell
The treatment of the first phase of development of the pathology is an important decision, because the characteristic of onychomycosis is in rapid progress. Inappropriate treatment will lead to a deformed nail plate, the accumulation of toxins toxic, emissions parasites. To enter in the blood, the toxins poison the body, disrupt the functioning of vital organs, aggravate the process of exchange.

The methods of combating the infection
Than to cure onychomycosis? The treatment begins by going to the doctor, which refers to the process of RESERVOIR seeding (scraping of the lesions), and other studies. A diagnosis helps to determine the type of fungal infection and sensitivity of the patient to the medication. The treatment of the primary stage requires the patient's complete devotion. Because the path of complete healing of long-term it will need some patience. In order to avoid a chronic form of it is important to follow all recommendations of your doctor.
As a complete treatment apply:
- medicines, moisturizers, tissues, repair the metabolic process in – the creams, ointments, gels
- means of warning of development and reproduction of the infection – mortars, drops; execution of the infection treat tablets, bites
At the beginning of the disease prescribed treatment non-steroidal and steroid drugs (varnishes, ointments). They will prevent continuation of the activity, the multiplication of parasites, strengthen the immune system, initiate the regeneration process.
External medications:
- Anti-fungal– used against innocent and yeast fungi.
- allylamine means – act exclusively against fungi.
- Of the cream (the main component of the fat of a snake).
- Gels.
- The varnish.
In order to slow the fermentation mycelium to prescribe medications in the form of tablets, exerant a fungicidal action.
List of tablets:
- Capsule – highspeed medicine does not require any additional treatment. Simultaneously to restore the appearance of the plate to apply a varnish or gels.
- The game against the mildew with chinese herbs – the medicine works instantly to help of the extract of chinese herbs and synthetic compounds entering in the composition of the drug.
- Capsules – active protection of the organism, normalizes the state of the microflora.
- The drops thanks to one of the main components naftifin hydrochloride is quickly absorbed in the skin and creating a long-lasting protection. The film, created by the drops, does not allow micro-organisms to penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis.
The initial phase of the disease apply to the treatment of folk remedies. Well fight with the parasites of apple cider vinegar, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, the infusion of tea, oil of celandine, pepper spray, salicylic acid 35% acid. Before using medicines or remedies of the traditional medicine, it is important to consult your doctor.

At the end of the treatment for the infection to take preventive measures.
- do not use a foreign-shoes, items of personal hygiene;
- comfortable shoes, made from natural materials;
- clean socks, change daily;
- respect the rules of hygiene;
- care of the nails absolutely clean tool;
- the strengthening of immunity, intake of vitamins.
The mycosis is a disease for which no one is immune. Contracting an infection may be, as a man, with a low immunity, and good health. It is therefore very important to surround yourself with purity, to monitor the state of health, of hygiene. Of course, these measures may not guarantee safety, but to minimize the probability of infection by pathogens.