To cure nail fungus at home, you need to use special medicines. The treatments vary for the initial formation and the terminal phase of the disease. Recognize each of them can be some of the symptoms. The disease itself is called onychomycosis. We can't let him drift, in effect, the pathology of long, difficult to heal. A certain drug against the nail fungus of the feet is chosen taking into account the severity of the symptoms.

What is nail fungus
Onychomycosis is one of the infectious diseases, which cause micro-organisms in the form of yeasts and moulds. Because of their quick diffusion of the nail plates begin to turn yellow, crack, crumble and plump. The result of the reproduction of the fungus may completely lose the nail. In the absence of treatment, they crumble. Be infected by the fungus easily in the common areas. This concerns in particular the saunas, the pools, the beaches, the manicures, the fitness clubs.
What appears
The most cases, infection occurs by the general to the sick person, object or his shoes. More likely to a nail fungus are people with excessive sweating of the feet. The more often the cholera appears in adults, in children, it is much more rare. The causes of the development of the disease are the following:
- the wearing of tight shoes;
- the lack of hygiene;
- violations of the endocrine system and the nervous system;
- the decrease in immunity;
- poor blood circulation of lower limbs;
- the attendance of damp places.
- infectious diseases, chronic diseases;
- deformation of the feet;
- the disease of the blood vessels.
Types of nail fungus of the feet
There are several species of fungi that can be hit the nail plates on the legs. The main of them are the following:
- Musty. The defeat of their most likely to the people, weakened by a long illness. The nail acquires a bluish, yellowish or greenish hue, maybe even black. Completely remove the fungal infection of toenails, you can in 1-2 months.
- Yeast. The nail becomes uneven, is covered by the grooves and waves, takes the yellow or the brown. During the progression of the disease, the plaque is lagging behind the lodge. Nail the reels during this bloodbath to thicken.
- Dermatophytes. Manifested by yellow spots on the nail plate. The edges of the nail depart from the lodge. The degradation of the state of yellowing completely absorbs the nail.
The signs
First the disease affects the big toes. For a long time, it destroys the nail. When the distribution of the fungus is surprised and the other fingers. The person feels itchy between them. The skin starts to peel off and crack. Following the pathology manifests itself by the following signs:
- The color change of the plate. In a normal state, it is translucent, has a pinkish tinge. After fungal for the defeat of the fingernail color changes to yellow, brown or black.
- The thickening of the nail plate. Occurs reinforced its keratinization, which is why it is thick. In severe cases, it is even not prevent of treatment.
- The collapse of the. In the absence of the right therapy of plaque rupture of the nail, it is fully crumble.

The signs of a fungal attack vary according to the stage of onychomycosis. Infection occurs rapidly, and to recognize the pathology can be on the symptoms:
- As a first step. The eye profane not recognize very difficult. It is only by the physician, that in the event of an increase are able to see the small pale spots.
- In the second step. The pathology continues to progress. Small bands and a point to grow all along the moat. This leads to the destruction of the plate. Disappears shine to the nail plate, it begins to turn yellow.
- The third step. In neglecting the previous symptoms, you can completely lose the nail. The skin around it is red and scaly. The nail comes off completely. In this context, there is a bad smell
How to diagnose the fungus
The external manifestations of the disease confirm the defeat of the nails on the feet is a fungal infection. The cause of the disease, you can find just the help of a research laboratory. To assign adequate treatment onychomycosis differentiate with psoriasis, red, screen, lichens, etc, in the presence of signs of contact the mycologist or a dermatologist. Diagnostic methods are the following:
- Microsporia. Is a scraping of the plate. For the removal of a nail treat specially of the substance that deplete the keratin. In this form, the material is more easy to explore.
- The study of bacteria. Is to place the material in a nutrient medium. The pathogen is determined by the speed of growth, color and shape of colonies. This study helps to reveal the sensitivity of the organism to the drug.
- DNA. This method identifies regions affected only the dermatophytes and the fungi candida. The diagnosis is made on special devices, so expensive.
How to treat a nail fungus of the feet
According to the clinical forms of manifestation of the disease, the size of the area affected and the degree of change of the fingernail, the physician prescribed a full course of treatment. The treatment may include:
- ointments, creams, lotions, drops, sprays for disinfection and the treatment of shine, which contribute to the fungal infection of mild or moderate severity;
- tablets at the the overflow of the disease in a phase;
- the surgical removal of the nail plate during severe or recurrent infections;
- folk remedies, for example, baking soda, garlic, hydrogen peroxide, ointment from birch tar, tea tree oil, tincture of celandine, propolis, acetic acid.
In the initial phase
With a small amount of defeat to cure onychomycosis will help a local therapy. Here relate to nicotine with the effect of exfoliation, care of varnishes, creams, gels and ointments. These drugs are only effective in the initial phase of a onychomycosis. They are applied directly on the damaged nail and the tissues for a long period of time. Sometimes, for complete healing requires about a year.
Launched the fungus
If the disease is already running, it external fund will be less effective. It is necessary to use medication to the inside of the application. Here are the anti-fungal in the form of tablets and capsules. They inhibit the development of the pathogen, blocking the spread. In addition, the tablets have prolonged the action, therefore, reduces the risk of re-infection.

That to cure nail fungus of the feet
Depending on the stage of the disease the doctor prescribes to patients of certain medications. The main groups of antifungal drugs are:
drugs of the application system;
- tools for local application.
The last group of drugs includes the various drugs that are applied directly on the affected area of the nail. The main ones are the following:
- lacquers;
- sprays;
- solutions;
- the cream
Special varnish
In the early stages of the disease, you can use a nail antifungal. They contribute to the softening of the nail plate, the increase of the concentration in them of therapeutic substance.
Ointments and creams
The effectiveness of topical medication is due to a direct contact with drugs home defeat. The first phase of the disease is prescribed only those medicines because the tablets have more side effects.
The pills anti-fungal
If the symptoms of the nail fungus of the feet indicate in the course of execution, the stage of the disease, the doctor prescribes more serious anti-fungal in the form of tablets.
Laser therapy
If the nail fungus of the feet in the terminal phase and is not treatable with medication, they are more radical means. An effective way is laser therapy. Under the influence of the rays the spores from the mold are killed. In addition, the laser does not harm the surrounding tissues. Even launched the stage onychomycosis can be cured in 3 to 4 treatments.
The treatment of nail fungus of the feet of the folk remedies
The ways, how to treat a fungal infection of the nails of the feet of average people, the worthwhile to use with the application of drugs. This concerns in particular the terminal phase of the disease. In this case, an application popular recipes does not work. When the first signs of onychomycosis, you can use vinegar, iodine, kombucha, tincture of celandine.
The vinegar
To get rid of the mold used the apple cider vinegar. It must be mixed with warm water in a ratio of 1:1. This solution is necessary to hold the feet for about 15-20 minutes. After this, the feet need to dry out completely. Repeat the procedure recommended by day for 2 weeks. During this time, it can be noted that begins to develop the novel is not damaged by the nail fungus.
Effective for the treatment of nail fungus of the feet is and with the help of iodine. The duration of treatment is 3 weeks. Each day, it is necessary to treat the iodine-dead of the nail plate. It is important to constantly remove the tip of the nail, which is grown. Such a tool of mycosis of the feet has good reviews. Iodine can be used for the hot baths. To do this, 10 drops of fund dissolved in 0.5 liter of water, soar in it, feet in 10 minutes.

Using kombucha make compresses. To do this, the plate is specified, you must attach a patient to the nail, wrap with cellophane and bandage. On the top is necessary to wear socks. The best to do the procedure at night and in the morning the feet to rinse with warm water, and then remove the affected areas and coat it with iodine. Many patients indicate a strong pain, but if the patient be cured of the mold.
Fresh celandine, you have to jump through a meat grinder, squeeze from the pulp of the juice, using 3-4 layers of cheesecloth. Need to take as much of the grass, to obtain 200 ml of liquid. He adds 200 ml of 70% alcohol and leave to infuse for the whole day. An easy way to lubricate the affected areas after 10 minutes in the steam of the feet and drying them. The duration of treatment is at least 10-12 days. A day of nail plate to treat 3-4 times.